Friday, September 23, 2011


Woke up this morning with my hips screaming at me, and couldn't go back to sleep even after loading up on Advil. After a few hours I decided to move to the couch so I could moan in pain and grunt in discomfort with out waking my husband who had been up several times in the night with my son. After a couple of hours, my son woke up and came out to the living room. He's pretty congested so he's coughing a lot. He's not running a fever thank goodness, but I still won't let him go play outside till we get the cough under control. In any case, I was still hurting something fierce, only now the pain is in my shoulders and legs.

Once my husband got up, he was able to take over so I could get an hour or so nap in before he had to go to work. Marcus was pretty mellow for most of the day which I was grateful for.

Now Marcus is asleep, he was getting cranky, and normally I wouldn't let him this late in the day, but as much as he's coughing, he could probably use the rest. Now I'm just chilling, listening to Jackie Avancho courtesy of Spotify.

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