Sunday, November 27, 2011

Completely unrelated...

Feeling really insecure. I swore when I was younger that I would never become one of THOSE wives. The ones who are suspicious of every girl her man talked to or were friends with. I weigh more now than I ever have, I'm not proud of this, but I've been under so much stress with Marcus acting out violently and school. I haven't really put too much effort into my health.

There's this girl Mike knows through work and she's on his facebook. She is cute, single, and about ten years younger. I know I shouldn't, and Mike has never given me reason to distrust him, but I am worried.

All I want right now is a cigarette, drink or toke and any of the three would end my marriage, not to mention 8 years of clean and sobriety.

Tuesday night I'm getting my ass to a meeting.

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